About NGO

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amritsar, PUNJAB, India
kiran society of creative women Is an amritsar based NGO. we are working in the field of Women and Child Development. OUR Major interest is to promote health, education among the slum dwellers and economic as well social empowerment of women. ......... THE COMMITTEE- * KIRAN Vig * DEEPAK Vig * RITU DEEPTI * RACHANA SHARMA * HARIT KUMAR * ADITI * VIBHUTI sharma * Sushobhit S Kamboj * ADITI * SANDEEP ______________________ CONTACT-- KIRAN.scw@gmail.com ........................ Google profile- http://www.google.com/profiles/KIRAN.scw . blog- http://kscwamritsar.blogspot.com http://sociologistsview.blogspot.com https://www.facebook.com/kscwamritsar ........... ngo PRESIDENT- KIRAN VIJ............. BLOG ADMINISTRATOR- RACHANA SHARMA

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

value your vote


Ngos of amritsar on 'voter awareness campaign' at kot khalsa, making appeal to masses ' cast vote cautiously and not be lured by materialistic things offered by the parties'. NUKAD NAATAK was also enacted in different areas of the city to make voters aware of the power of voting

joint effort members making people aware by discussion and distributing pamphlets to understand the importance of free and fair election and more importantly to realize the power they have as their own precious vote